2023 scholarship awards

NIACC studying in the field of HVAC
Latinos Unidos of Iowa have been a great help to me. Not only to me but to my family who they have helped relieving tuition debt. I deeply appreciate their efforts in helping Latinos all around Iowa.

How Latinos Unidos of Iowa Scholarship has helped me. The Latinos Unidos of Iowa Scholarship has helped me soar and make the most of my college experience. I was able to pay a year of my tuition alongside other scholarships I gained which has opened the possibility to attend college. I’ve gained friends, memories, contacts, and most importantly; opportunities.
As a 2023 Latina recipient of the Latinos Unidos Scholarship, I was able to continue studying during the 2023 fall semester to obtain my transfer associates of liberal arts. The scholarship has helped me pay for the bearing costs of my classes, books, and online learning platform subscriptions. I plan to continue my studies this spring and am counting on the scholarship to purchase materials for my late start classes in March. Thank you again for all of your help it means the world to me!

I am very grateful for the scholarship I received from Latinos Unidos of lowa, it has been a blessing from God to be able to study. I am learning a lot and enjoying everything I am learning. Thank you for being part of what was one day a dream but now it is becoming a reality.
To achieve our mission and address the needs of Latinos communities in Iowa, Latinos Unidos of Iowa raises resources from individuals, leverages them against business, government and non-profit partners in order to invest them in Latinos leaders and organizations via scholarships and small grants.
Join our mailing List to stay informed of scholarship and grant opportunities and other resources and events. In addition, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
We are a group of committed volunteers dedicated to promoting culturally centered leadership and highlight the educational programs and social events. Latinos Unidos of Iowa operates on the premise that in order to raise positive awareness of the Latinos culture and education it must increase investment within the Latinos community and beyond, advocate educational opportunities and highlight the strength that diverse communities bring to our state.
Founded in 1989 Latinos Unidos of Iowa (formally Viva Mexico) is a 501c3 founded to provide college scholarships for Latinos youth in Iowa. Over that last 30 years Latinos Unidos has provided scholarships for hundreds of Iowa college students, served as a link between the Latinos and non-Latinos communities and promoted the wellbeing of all Iowans.